Love People! – Part 2

The second piece of input on our ‘Love People’ day in Morecambe Bay, came from one of my best friends, Sue Mitchell. For those of you who don’t know Sue, let me just tell you that she is one of the people who has most profoundly loved me as a human being and had a truly beautiful impact on my life. She is insightful and wise, a true elder within our community (and nation). She understands times and seasons like few people I have ever met. She has an amazing ability to assimilate complex themes and pull them together into hard hitting, provocative, inspiring and disrupting truth! She will ruck with power and injustice and yet is so utterly kind. Sit back, relax (HA!) – rather be provoked – and enjoy these wonderful insights on the four kinds of love, it’s transformative power and an invitation to better health and wellbeing! – As Archbishop Desmond Tutu once prayed, “God help me to love, but where I cannot love, help me to want to want to love?!” (More on that in the brilliant panel discussion below).




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