Creating a Culture of Joy – some practical ideas!

I am hugely passionate about how we create great cultures in which to live and work. One particular thing I love is building a culture of joy! My friends Rachel Pilling and Dan Wadsworth have come up with a super easy way in which to practically build joy in work, through this simple but excellent idea of 15-30. This is the magic that happens when clinicians and managers work together. Watch it, if you work in the NHS then sign up and get involved and if you work outside the NHS – the idea is entirely replicable in any other part of life. By you going the extra mile now, you could save your friend a marathon….Building joy in work is, according to the IHI, the most important foundation on which to build a safe, sustainable and excellent health and care system. With staff morale as low as it is, let’s do what we can to promote joy in the daily grind. Here are Dan and Rachel explaining more in their excellent TEDxNHS talk – well worth your time!:


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Humility Goes a Long Way in Building Great Teams

I am a massive advocate of a Culture of Joy! I really enjoyed listening to the lovely Yusuf Yousef at TEDxNHS 2019 and his incredible ability to build relationships, cross barriers and connect people together. This is exactly what we need more of in the NHS and across our public services.

Simple, but brilliantly effective! There is so much inspirational practice everyday in the NHS – but if you don’t have humility, you will miss most of it!


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I Am a Medical Feminist

Tweet One of my fellow speakers at TEDxNHS2019 was the amazing Dr Sarah Hillman. We both graduated medical school in the same year, and have both become GPs, but Sarah has taken a more academic route. I was blown away by the power of what she has to say and believe every doctor and medical [Continue Reading …]



Tweet Last year, I was invited to submit a proposal for a TEDxNHS talk. TEDx are independently organised TED events, and it turns out that TEDxNHS is the biggest of these in the world. I submitted two ideas – one around how we can work radically differently with our communities and one around how we [Continue Reading …]
