Many of us are struggling with our Mental Health right now. Here are seven top tips to help you take care of yourself and those around you during these difficult times.
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Many of us are struggling with our Mental Health right now. Here are seven top tips to help you take care of yourself and those around you during these difficult times.
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I’ve done this 2 minute video with 6 quick tips about you can stay healthy and well this winter.
More to follow, but hope this helps!
Tweet In my last blog I looked at the complexity that surrounds the issue of obesity in our society. We have become far too focused on the individual and personal choice, whilst clouding the whole issue in shame and blame through stigmatisation. My hope is that we can talk about obesity with humility and compassion [Continue Reading …]
Tweet We live in unprecedented times and are walking over unfamiliar terrain. I posted a video last week to express gratitude and offer advice to teachers and TAs, based on the World Health Organisation’s situation report of March 6th 2020. The evidence in the WHO publication suggested that children become much less unwell than adults [Continue Reading …]
Tweet If you work in the NHS, in any capacity, this letter is for you, no matter what your role. Dear NHS Staff Member, I write this to you as a GP, who cares for many people who work in the NHS and sees the huge stress many of us feel under. I write [Continue Reading …]
Tweet Autism affects so many of our lives and families, and yet so many of us know very little about it, make unfair assumptions about people who live with it, or make crass jokes about people, using it as a derogatory term. In this episode of the Black Swan Podcast, I interview, the amazing Deborah [Continue Reading …]
Tweet The BBC ran a news piece today about the massive rise in use of antidepressants in England and Wales over the last 10 years. And depending on which study you believe between 1 in 11 and 1 in 6 people in England are now on an antidepressant (though we must remember, that antidepressants can [Continue Reading …]
Tweet This latest podcast is a conversation with some incredible people from ‘The Well’ community, here in Morecambe Bay, talking about their own very personal journeys from addiction into recovery. Listen as they talk about hitting rock bottom, ego surrender, tough love, hard truth and transformative kindness and how in being with each other, they [Continue Reading …]